Marino Sacha
Converting ideas into reality
through web technologies


Comming soon...

Project 1

This project is still in development. It will be available soon.

Comming soon...

Project 1

This project is still in development. It will be available soon.

Comming soon...

Project 1

This project is still in development. It will be available soon.


I am Sacha Marino, a junior web developer from Liège, Belgium BE

Sacha Marino

UI/UX Design

Frontend Development

Database Management

API Development

Backend Development

Brand Design

SEO Optimization

Information Architecture

App Development

3D Design

Brand Design

3D Design

API Development

Frontend Development

Database Management

Information Architecture

App Development

UI/UX Design

Backend Development

SEO Optimization

I am passionate about web technologies and I love to create websites and web applications.

Technologies I like to work with






Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you want to work with me.

Contact information

You can send me an email to or you can use the form on the right to send me a message.

Contact form